This is starting to shape up!
- I created one-day event
- Went back to edit and add one day
- I didn't know what changing the date on that field would do. "Does it affect the existing one day event or does it affect the date I'm adding?" I changed it to a later date. I think it was supposed to change the parent date, but even though I now have an end date one week after the start date, it only shows on the calendar as one day.
I guess what I'm saying is that adding day or subevent might be better on a different screen.
Assuming that I'm a chapter admin, I don't think I would understand the word "clone" in this application. I get it when I'm creating a different new event (next month's meeting).
How do we improve this process?
How about when admin selects add day(s) the only editable fields are those that affect the new days.
Then when they select add subevent the only dates available are within the parameters of the parent event.