Okay, let's get to work!You said, "Works like it did before - again with the exception that Presentations have been temporarily disabled..." The first thing I notice is a bunch of opportunities to create breaks. My thinking is that this may be appropriately part of an Advanced mode.What do you think of this? We have a Basic mode that is basically what we've had since the beginning (with some improvements of course). Then we have an Advanced mode that includes the stuff we've been developing.Basic mode just sets up a single meeting without jumping through all the hoops of Speakers and Presentations. Advance mode allows for Speakers, breaks, meetings within events, etc.Just thinking out loud here. It's going to take a little to get me back up to speed on everything we've done on this project.
Those Registration Setup choices don't do much in this mode (Presentations disabled), do they?
I create an Event and Save. When I come back, the Title field is blank.
What is the Title of the 8/27 Event?If I look at the Calender from the front end it is "Problem Solving."If I look at Admin-Manage-Events, I get a blank field.
Still need to figure out why we have a [Register] button without having setup a fee....and it would be good if the schedule was in 12-hour mode.I'm outa here.Will check in early afternoon tomorrow.