Been thinking about Event Tokens (sign-in and sign-out) with respect to multi-day Events. As you have already noted, the way we have it now is insufficient. I'm thinking of a new database table: EVENTS_EVENT_TOKENS to store these tokens: ID, UID (User ID), EID (Event ID), DID (Day ID). These would be set via Admin :: Manage Events :: Day. And, another database table: EVENTS_USER_TOKENS: ID, UID, EID, DID, SIGNIN_TOKEN, SIGNOUT_TOKEN to track users signing in and out. These would visible when viewing attendees via Admin.
How would they be assigned? Per day? For example for a three(3) day Event, sign-in and sign-out each day. Each day has it's own tokens, so they are not created single for Event as it is now, but multiples (one set per day). If you did not sign-in and sign-out each day of the Event, no certificate (if applicable). Thoughts?