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Questions / Re: Chekin' in
« Last post by Daniel Abrams on February 28, 2022, 01:57:03 PM »
Certificate Publish button
I see three buttons: Populate, Preview, and Clear.
Questions / Re: Chekin' in
« Last post by Hollis Brown on February 28, 2022, 01:51:20 PM »
Certificate Publish button
Questions / Re: Chekin' in
« Last post by Daniel Abrams on February 28, 2022, 12:34:42 PM »
I'm thinking this. Adding some new template tags:

[*EVENT_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Event (No Day or Session Summaries)

[*SINGLE_DAY_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Day

[*ALL_DAYS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Days

[*SINGLE_SESSION_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Session

[*ALL_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Sessions

[*DAY_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Sessions for given Day

[*ALL_DAYS_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Days and Sessions (in proper format like yo seen in calendar)

Then, when editing Certificate, you use one of them, or a combination of them. For example:


To show all summaries. For example, if just the one Event Certificate.

So that was actually next on my list. How do we make the Certificate easier to edit? Many of our clients don't know and don't want to know even the simplest of HTML.

Point - Click
Fill in Blank
Check Box
1. What I proposed replaces what we originally planned. Instead, all done by editing the template using the template tags I outlined.So, not next thing on list, but how was planning to implement what you last requested.

2. Already really easy to edit via the WYSIWYG editor. Anything else is going to get super complicated and involved on our end, and lots of hoops for them to jump through.
Okay, let's do it your way.
So, what would the Certificate [Publish] buttons do?

[/size]Event (2 options)
  • [/size]Stand alone Event - Event Cert populates from Event Summary (the way they are now, before update)Use Sessions
  • [/size]Event Certificate populates with a list of Session Summaries (Attendees receive one Cert for entire Event)
Day (not sure that we need one)
  • [/size][size=78%]Stand alone Day (similar to Event)[/size]
  • [/size][size=78%]Day Cert populates with list of Session Summaries (like Event)[/size]
Sessions (2 options)
  • [/size]Session Certificates (plural) populate with individual Session (individual Cert for each Session)
  • [/size]Notification that if Event option #2 active, then Sessions will show in Event Cert
What Publish button?
Questions / Re: Chekin' in
« Last post by Daniel Abrams on February 28, 2022, 12:31:16 PM »
Did I forward those three templates from Shane?
Not sure. Can you post them here, and refresh my memory about them.
Questions / Re: Chekin' in
« Last post by Hollis Brown on February 27, 2022, 11:23:55 PM »
I'm thinking this. Adding some new template tags:

[*EVENT_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Event (No Day or Session Summaries)

[*SINGLE_DAY_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Day

[*ALL_DAYS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Days

[*SINGLE_SESSION_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Session

[*ALL_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Sessions

[*DAY_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Sessions for given Day

[*ALL_DAYS_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Days and Sessions (in proper format like yo seen in calendar)

Then, when editing Certificate, you use one of them, or a combination of them. For example:


To show all summaries. For example, if just the one Event Certificate.

So that was actually next on my list. How do we make the Certificate easier to edit? Many of our clients don't know and don't want to know even the simplest of HTML.

Point - Click
Fill in Blank
Check Box
1. What I proposed replaces what we originally planned. Instead, all done by editing the template using the template tags I outlined.So, not next thing on list, but how was planning to implement what you last requested.

2. Already really easy to edit via the WYSIWYG editor. Anything else is going to get super complicated and involved on our end, and lots of hoops for them to jump through.
Okay, let's do it your way.
So, what would the Certificate [Publish] buttons do?

[/size]Event (2 options)
  • [/size]Stand alone Event - Event Cert populates from Event Summary (the way they are now, before update)Use Sessions
  • [/size]Event Certificate populates with a list of Session Summaries (Attendees receive one Cert for entire Event)
Day (not sure that we need one)
  • [/size][size=78%]Stand alone Day (similar to Event)[/size]
  • [/size][size=78%]Day Cert populates with list of Session Summaries (like Event)[/size]
Sessions (2 options)
  • [/size]Session Certificates (plural) populate with individual Session (individual Cert for each Session)
  • [/size]Notification that if Event option #2 active, then Sessions will show in Event Cert
Questions / Re: Chekin' in
« Last post by Hollis Brown on February 27, 2022, 08:21:15 PM »
Did I forward those three templates from Shane?
Questions / Re: Chekin' in
« Last post by Daniel Abrams on February 27, 2022, 05:29:55 PM »
Okay, do this tomorrow.
Questions / Re: Chekin' in
« Last post by Hollis Brown on February 27, 2022, 05:19:26 PM »
I'm thinking this. Adding some new template tags:

[*EVENT_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Event (No Day or Session Summaries)

[*SINGLE_DAY_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Day

[*ALL_DAYS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Days

[*SINGLE_SESSION_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Session

[*ALL_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Sessions

[*DAY_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Sessions for given Day

[*ALL_DAYS_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Days and Sessions (in proper format like yo seen in calendar)

Then, when editing Certificate, you use one of them, or a combination of them. For example:


To show all summaries. For example, if just the one Event Certificate.

So that was actually next on my list. How do we make the Certificate easier to edit? Many of our clients don't know and don't want to know even the simplest of HTML.

Point - Click
Fill in Blank
Check Box
1. What I proposed replaces what we originally planned. Instead, all done by editing the template using the template tags I outlined.So, not next thing on list, but how was planning to implement what you last requested.

2. Already really easy to edit via the WYSIWYG editor. Anything else is going to get super complicated and involved on our end, and lots of hoops for them to jump through.
Okay, let's do it your way.
Questions / Re: Chekin' in
« Last post by Daniel Abrams on February 27, 2022, 05:16:55 PM »
I'm thinking this. Adding some new template tags:

[*EVENT_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Event (No Day or Session Summaries)

[*SINGLE_DAY_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Day

[*ALL_DAYS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Days

[*SINGLE_SESSION_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Session

[*ALL_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Sessions

[*DAY_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Sessions for given Day

[*ALL_DAYS_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Days and Sessions (in proper format like yo seen in calendar)

Then, when editing Certificate, you use one of them, or a combination of them. For example:


To show all summaries. For example, if just the one Event Certificate.

So that was actually next on my list. How do we make the Certificate easier to edit? Many of our clients don't know and don't want to know even the simplest of HTML.

Point - Click
Fill in Blank
Check Box
1. What I proposed replaces what we originally planned. Instead, all done by editing the template using the template tags I outlined.So, not next thing on list, but how was planning to implement what you last requested.

2. Already really easy to edit via the WYSIWYG editor. Anything else is going to get super complicated and involved on our end, and lots of hoops for them to jump through.
Questions / Re: Chekin' in
« Last post by Hollis Brown on February 27, 2022, 05:03:46 PM »
I'm thinking this. Adding some new template tags:

[*EVENT_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Event (No Day or Session Summaries)

[*SINGLE_DAY_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Day

[*ALL_DAYS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Days

[*SINGLE_SESSION_SUMMARY*] => Summary of Session

[*ALL_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Sessions

[*DAY_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Sessions for given Day

[*ALL_DAYS_SESSIONS_SUMMARIES*] => Summary of all Days and Sessions (in proper format like yo seen in calendar)

Then, when editing Certificate, you use one of them, or a combination of them. For example:


To show all summaries. For example, if just the one Event Certificate.

So that was actually next on my list. How do we make the Certificate easier to edit? Many of our clients don't know and don't want to know even the simplest of HTML.

Point - Click
Fill in Blank
Check Box
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