The balance we're trying to strike is between displaying all that information on that page vs. sending the Admins off to another page to enter the data.
Optimally we would optimize both. As I envision that, I see two different versions of this page. Don't worry. I'm not suggesting that. I'm just thinking out loud.
Given that we have taken this plunge, I think that what I said last night is accurate. Seeing the entire Date and Time is more important than including some of that other data. The question becomes what should we lose to make more room. If our new purpose for this page is organizing Days, Sessions, Breaks and Locations, then Location is more important than Attendees.
The thing about prioritizing Locations is that it would be a pretty rare that different Sessions would have different Locations. In that rare situation, though, it would be pretty important.
Question: Is it practical to somehow make this page somehow dual purpose--shrink or expand columns as needed... or something?